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N. Denholm-Young Some Sessions of the Peace in Cambridgeshire in the Fourteenth Century 1340, 1380-83, by Mary Margaret Taylor 12. (1943), 101-102 DOI:10.2307/43626267
A.I. Doyle Ralph Hanna, London Literature, 1300-1380 76.1 (2007), 123-125 DOI:10.2307/43632305
Anne Hudson The Native Tongue and the Word: Developments in English Prose Style 1380-1580, by Janel M. Mueller 56.1 (1987), 130-132 DOI:10.2307/43629082
Jeffrey Hamburger

Ulrike Jenni and Maria Theisen, Mitteleuropäische Schulen IV (ca. 1380–1400). Hofwerkstätten König Wenzels IV. und deren Umkreis

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JOHN CALDWELL The Rise of European Music 1380-1500, by Reinhard Strohm 65.1 (1996), 174-175 DOI:10.2307/43629843
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