C.L. Wrenn

C.L. Wrenn

THE TEXT OF "HAVARÐAR SAGA ISFIRÐINGS" 72 MÆ 2.1 (1933), 71-72 DOI:10.2307/43625848
LATE OLD ENGLISH RUNE-NAMES 34 MÆ 1.1 (1932), 24-34 DOI:10.2307/43625807
Suprasegmentals, Meter, and the Manuscript of Beowulf, by Robert D. Stevick 310 MÆ 38.3 (1969), 309-310 DOI:10.2307/43627570
A Reading of Beowulf, by Edward Irving Jnr. 177 MÆ 38.2 (1969), 175-177 DOI:10.2307/43627535
The Colonization of Brittany from Celtic Britaina, by Nora K. Chadwick 105 MÆ 37.1 (1968), 105-105 DOI:10.2307/43627413
'Welt' und 'Mensch' in der altenglischen Dichtungen, Bedeutungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum germanisch-altenglischen Wortschatz, by Helmut A. Benning 141 MÆ 31.2 (1962), 140-141 DOI:10.2307/43626979
A Short Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, in a normalised Early West-Saxon Orthography, by J. B. Bessinger 207 MÆ 30.3 (1961), 206-207 DOI:10.2307/43626950
Studies in the Early History of the British Church, by Nora K. Chadwick, Kathleen Hughes, Christopher Brooke, Kenneth Jackson 125 MÆ 29.2 (1960), 121-125 DOI:10.2307/43626855
Changing Currents in Anglo-Saxon Studies, by Dorothy Whitelock 151 MÆ 28.2 (1959), 150-151 DOI:10.2307/43631157
The Witenagemot in the reign of Edward the Confessor: a study in the constitutional history of eleventh-century England, by Tryggvi Oleson 98 MÆ 25.2 (1956), 95-98 DOI:10.2307/43626628
Anglo-Saxon Writs, by F. E. Harmer 49 MÆ 23.1 (1954), 44-49 DOI:10.2307/43626526
Prague Essays presented by a group of British historians to the Caroline University of Prague on the occasion of its 600th anniversary, by R. W. Seton-Watson 56 MÆ 20. (1951), 53-56 DOI:10.2307/43631098
European balladry, by William J. Entwistle 51 MÆ 14. (1945), 44-51 DOI:10.2307/43626305
Anglo-Saxon poetry: an essay with specimen translations in verse, by Gavin Bone 71 MÆ 13. (1944), 68-71 DOI:10.2307/43626290
The Gothic version of the Epistles: a study of its style and textual history, by G. W. S. Friedrichsen 91 MÆ 12. (1943), 84-91 DOI:10.2307/43626262
Two Apocrypha in Old English Homilies (Beiträge zur englischen Philologie, Heft xxx), by Rudolph Willard 166 MÆ 6.2 (1937), 162-166 DOI:10.2307/43626042
Pre-Feudal England : The Jutes. Oxford Historical Series, by J. E. A. Jolliffe, G. N. Clark, C. R. Cruttwell, F. M. Powicke 158 MÆ 3.2 (1934), 155-158 DOI:10.2307/43625904
The Owl and the Nightingale : Sources, Date, Author, by Kathryn Huganir 156 MÆ 1.2 (1932), 149-156 DOI:10.2307/43625828
Angelsaksisch Handboek, by R. Girvan, E. L. Deuschle 145 MÆ 1.2 (1932), 141-145 DOI:10.2307/43625826