David Luscombe

David Luscombe

Cornelia Linde, How to Correct the ‘Sacra Scriptura’? Textual Criticism of the Bible between the Twelfth and Fifteenth Century MÆ 83.2 (2014), 304-
From the Circle of Alcuin to the School of Auxerre: Logic, Theology and Philosophy in the Early Middle Ages, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, Third Series, 15, by John Marenbon 101 MÆ 53.1 (1984), 100-101 DOI:10.2307/43628792
Gerald of Wales: 'The Jewel of the Church'; a Translation of the 'Gemma Ecclesiastica' by Giraldus Cambrensis. Davis Medieval Texts and Studies, 2, by John J. Hagen 130 MÆ 51.1 (1982), 129-130 DOI:10.2307/43632139
Peter Abelard: A Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian. (Mediaeval Sources in Translation, 20), by Pierre J. Payer 316 MÆ 50.2 (1981), 315-316 DOI:10.2307/43628621
Lanfranc of Bec, by Margaret Gibson 109 MÆ 49.1 (1980), 108-109 DOI:10.2307/43628519
Monks and Love in Twelfth-Century France. Psycho-Historical Essays, by Jean Leclercq 283 MÆ 49.2 (1980), 281-283 DOI:10.2307/43628570
Abelard and Heloise in Medieval Testimonies. The twenty-sixth W. P. Ker Memorial Lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 29th October, 1976, by Peter Dronke 118 MÆ 47.1 (1978), 117-118 DOI:10.2307/43628330
Peter the Venerable: Selected Letters. (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts 3), by Janet Martin, Giles Constable 134 MÆ 46.1 (1977), 133-134 DOI:10.2307/43621115
Gerhoch of Reichersberg: Letter to Pope Hadrian about the Novelties of the Day. (Studies and Texts, 24), by Nikolaus M. Häring 113 MÆ 45.1 (1976), 112-113 DOI:10.2307/43628178
Mittelalterforschung und Ideologiekritik: Der Gelehrtenstreit um Héloise. (Kritische Information 15), by Peter von Moos 310 MÆ 45.3 (1976), 309-310 DOI:10.2307/43628232
Masters, Princes and Merchants: The Social Views of Peter the Chanter and his Circle, by John W. Baldwin 59 MÆ 41.1 (1972), 56-59 DOI:10.2307/43627786
Petri Venerabilis Contra Petrobrusianos Hereticos. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediæualis X), by J. Fearns 143 MÆ 41.2 (1972), 141-143 DOI:10.2307/43627813
Reimbaldi Leodiensis Opera Omnia. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediæualis IV), by C. de Clercq 143 MÆ 41.2 (1972), 141-143 DOI:10.2307/43627813
Bernado di Chiaravalle: Grazia e Libero Arbitrio and Bernardo di Chiaravalle: Le Lettere contro Pietro Abelardo, Collana di 'Testi e Saggi', 1 and 3, by Albino Babolin, Domenico Pesce 68 MÆ 40.1 (1971), 66-68 DOI:10.2307/43627701