More Poèmes de Transition: Notes on the Rondeaux of a Taylorian Manuscript

More Poèmes de Transition: Notes on the Rondeaux of a Taylorian Manuscript

RECENTLY there has come to light in the Library of the Taylor Institution at Oxford a French sixteenth-century manuscript containing 328 rondeaux, all anonymous. Many are also found in the important collection (MS. Lille 402) edited by Professor Françon in 1938 as Poèmes de Transition : hence our title. Their metrical pattern shows that they are post Charles d'Orléans, but some are fifteenth century, and examination of contemporary manuscripts reveals the identity of a dozen authors with Clément Marot as the most recent. Seventy-four rondeaux, not found elsewhere, are reproduced in an appendix. This bibliographical study sheds some light on a neglected period of French literature. 

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