In addition to its own events, the Society regularly sponsors over a dozen other conferences each year. If you are a Society member, you can apply for conference funding here

Events Calendar

Æthelred II and Cnut the Great: A Millennial Conference to Commemorate the Siege of London in 1016

July 6, 2016 University of London

Celts, Romans, Britons: Classical and Celtic Influence in Britain, 55 BC - 2016 AD

July 2, 2016 Radcliffe Humanities Building

Old Norse Poetry in Performance

June 24, 2016 Somerville College

Pastoralia in the Late Middle Ages: Teaching, Translation, Transmission

June 24, 2016 University of Kent

Interrogating the Germanic a category and its use in Late Antiquity

May 29, 2016 University of York

Medieval Culture and War: Ideals, Representations, Realities

May 5, 2016 University of Leeds

Eleanor Knott Memorial Conference

April 28, 2016 Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity College Dublin

Gerald's Hard Country: Representations of Landscape and Enclosure in the Itinerarium Kambriae

April 16, 2016 Cardiff University

Wonder: the 2016 Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference

April 8, 2016

Crusading Masculinities Conference (Zurich)

March 30, 2016 University of Zurich

Fifth London Anglo-Saxon Symposium 2016

March 12, 2016 Court Room, Institute of English Studies, Senate House, Uni. of London

The Senses in Medieval and Renaissance Europe: Sight and Visual Perception

March 11, 2016 University College, Dublin

Subversions of Classical Learning (Aberdeen)

January 15, 2016 University of Aberdeen

Art and Articulation: Illuminating the Mystical, Medieval and Modern

January 8, 2016 St. Hilda's College

Dominus Episcopus

December 3, 2015 Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquity, Stockholm Sweden

The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages

September 10, 2015 Taylorian Institute

Telling Tales: Manuscripts Books and the Making of Narrative

July 2, 2015 St. Anne's College

Looking back with Auerbach: A Convivial Celebration of Dante’s 750th Birthday

June 5, 2015 St. John's College

The Medieval and Early Modern Garden: Enclosure and Transformation

June 4, 2015 Swansea University

Image in Medieval Studies

May 29, 2015

Mightier than the Sword? Grasping the Point of the Anglo-Saxon Riddle Tradition

May 9, 2015 Bancroft Building, Queen Mary, University of London

Colour: the 2015 Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference

April 17, 2015

Medieval Thought Experiments: Poetry and Speculation in Europe, 1100-1450

April 13, 2015

Gender in Medieval Studies

April 10, 2015

Animal in Medieval Studies

March 27, 2015


A detail from the tomb of Giovanni da Legnano (d. 1383), Museo civico medievale, Bologna.