In addition to its own events, the Society regularly sponsors over a dozen other conferences each year. If you are a Society member, you can apply for conference funding here

Events Calendar

Petrarch and Monasticism

March 15, 1975 Merton College

The Right to Emend

March 16, 1974 Merton College

Allegory in the Divina Commedia: the Epistle to Cangrande

March 17, 1973 St. Peter's College

Medieval Patterns of History

March 11, 1972 Merton College

The pseudo-Denys in the West

March 13, 1971 Merton College

Peasant Holding and Inheritance Custom in Medieval England: A Comparative Study

March 14, 1970 Merton College


A detail from the tomb of Giovanni da Legnano (d. 1383), Museo civico medievale, Bologna.