Judith Weiss

Judith Weiss


The ‘J’ manuscript of Wace’s Brut

MÆ 81.2 (2012), 222- DOI:10.2307/43632931
Two fragments from a newly discovered manuscript of Wace's Brut 277 MÆ 68.2 (1999), 268-277 DOI:10.2307/43630180
THE MAJOR INTERPOLATIONS IN "SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN" 76 MÆ 48.1 (1979), 71-76 DOI:10.2307/43628416
THE DATE OF THE ANGLO-NORMAN "BOEVE DE HAUMTONE" 241 MÆ 55.2 (1986), 237-241 DOI:10.2307/43628993
A REAPPRAISAL OF HUE DE ROTELANDE'S "PROTHESELAUS" 111 MÆ 52.1 (1983), 104-111 DOI:10.2307/43628687
Studies in Medieval English Romances: Some New Approaches, by Derek Brewer 303 MÆ 59.2 (1990), 302-303 DOI:10.2307/43629345
English Medieval Romance, by W. R. J. Barron 303 MÆ 59.2 (1990), 302-303 DOI:10.2307/43629345
Robert Mannyng of Brunne: 'Handlyng Synne', Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 14, by Idelle Sullens 134 MÆ 55.1 (1986), 132-134 DOI:10.2307/43628968
The Anglo-Norman 'Alexander' (‘Le Roman de toute Chevalerie’) by Thomas of Kent 2 vols. (Anglo-Norman Text Society Nos. 29-31, 32-33), by Brian Foster, Ian Short 294 MÆ 48.2 (1979), 291-294 DOI:10.2307/43631391
The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyn, by Ralph Hanna III. 347 MÆ 45.3 (1976), 346-347 DOI:10.2307/43628247
The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyne, by Robert J. Gates 76 MÆ 41.1 (1972), 74-76 DOI:10.2307/43627795