Richard Dance

Richard Dance

Ryuichi Hotta, The Development of the Nominal Plural Forms in Early Middle English, Hituzi Linguistics in English 10 320 MÆ 79.2 (2010), 319-320 DOI:10.2307/43632432
John D. Niles (ed.), Beowulf and Lejre, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 323 123 MÆ 77.1 (2008), 121-123 DOI:10.2307/43630601
Carole Hough and Kathryn A. Lowe (eds), with an appreciation by R. I. Page, ‘Lastworda Betst’: Essays in Memory of Christine E. Fell, with her Unpublished Writings 127 MÆ 72.1 (2003), 126-127 DOI:10.2307/43630648
Peter Dendle, Satan Unbound: The Devil in Old English Narrative Literature 131 MÆ 72.1 (2003), 131-131 DOI:10.2307/43630651
John M. Hill, The Anglo-Saxon Warrior Ethic: Reconstructing Lordship in Early English Literature 324 MÆ 70.2 (2001), 323-324 DOI:10.2307/43632696
Lorna Stevenson and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, with Bob Douglas, Concordances to the Katherine Group (MS Bodley 34) and the Wooing Group (MSS Nero A XIV and Titus D XVIII) 328 MÆ 70.2 (2001), 328-328 DOI:10.2307/43632699
George Hastings (ed.), The AB Dialect: A Computer Concordance 127 MÆ 68.1 (1999), 126-127 DOI:10.2307/43630145
Trevor Eaton (reader), Beowulf, ('Pearl' label; Wadhurst: Pavilion Records, 1997). Two CDs, total running time 145’ 02”, by Trevor Eaton 129 MÆ 67.1 (1998), 128-129 DOI:10.2307/43629974
Jane Roberts and Christian Kay, with Lynne Grundy, A Thesaurus of Old English, King's College London Medieval Studies 11 313 MÆ 66.2 (1997), 312-313 DOI:10.2307/43630077