
What has Baldr to do with Lamech? The lethal shot of a blind man in Old Norse myth and Jewish exegetical traditions

107 MÆ 72.1 (2003), 82-107 DOI:10.2307/43630635
Margaret Clunies Ross, Poetry on Christian Subjects, I: The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries; II: The Fourteenth Century, Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. 2 vols 351 MÆ 79.2 (2010), 350-351 DOI:10.2307/43632456
Kari Ellen Gade, Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 2: From c.1036 to c.1300, I: Poetry by Named Skalds c.1035-1105 II: Poetry by Named Skalds c.1105-1300 and Anonymous Poetry, Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 2 351 MÆ 79.2 (2010), 350-351 DOI:10.2307/43632456
Magnús Fjalldal, The Long Arm of Coincidence: The Frustrated Connection between 'Beowulf' and 'Grettis saga' 120 MÆ 69.1 (2000), 119-120 DOI:10.2307/43631502
Richard North, Heathen Gods in Old English Literature, Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England 22 318 MÆ 68.2 (1999), 317-318 DOI:10.2307/43630191
Viking Poems on War and Peace: a Study in Skaldic Narrative, by R. G. Poole 155 MÆ 62.1 (1993), 154-155 DOI:10.2307/43629539
'Heimskringla': an Introduction, by Diana Whaley 353 MÆ 62.2 (1993), 352-353 DOI:10.2307/43629597
Woman as Hero in Old English Literature, by Jane Chance 300 MÆ 57.2 (1988), 299-300 DOI:10.2307/43629224
Saxo Grammaticus and the Life of Hamlet, by William F. Hansen 341 MÆ 55.2 (1986), 341-341 DOI:10.2307/43629052
Danish Medieval History-New Currents, by Niels Skyum-Nielsen, Niels Lund 147 MÆ 53.1 (1984), 147-147 DOI:10.2307/43628818
Saxo Grammaticus: a Medieval Author between Norse and Latin Culture, by Karsten Friis-Jensen 147 MÆ 53.1 (1984), 147-147 DOI:10.2307/43628818
The Conquest of the North Atlantic, by G. J. Marcus 337 MÆ 53.2 (1984), 337-337 DOI:10.2307/43628857
Saxo Grammaticus: History of the Danes. Vol. I. Vol. II, by Hilda Ellis Davidson, Peter Fisher 185 MÆ 52.1 (1983), 184-185 DOI:10.2307/43628726
Saxo Grammaticus Books X-XVI; the text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes, 3 vols. (Vol. I), by Eric Christiansen 348 MÆ 52.2 (1983), 346-348 DOI:10.2307/43628769