Romance of Horn

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Alexander Bell The Romance of Horn Vol. I. (Anglo-Norman Text Society, Nos. IX-X, for 1950-2), by Thomas, Mildred K. Pope 25.1 (1956), 26-30 DOI:10.2307/43626605
Alexander Bell Thomas: The Romance of Horn, Vol. II: Descriptive Introduction, Explicative Notes and Glossary. (Anglo-Norman Text Society, Nos. xii-xiii, for 1954-55), by Mildred K. Pope, T. B. W. Reid 34.3 (1965), 253-261 DOI:10.2307/43627212
Mildred K. Pope THE "ROMANCE OF HORN" AND "KING HORN" 25.3 (1956), 164-167 DOI:10.2307/43631127
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