Mary of Egypt

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Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Erich Poppe and Biance Ross (eds.), The Legend of Mary of Egypt in Medieval Insular Hagiography 67.1 (1998), 124-125 DOI:10.2307/43629971
Lesley Mortimer Studien zur Legende der heiligen Maria Aegyptiaca im deutschen Sprachgebiet. (Philologische Studien und Quellen 49), by Konrad Kunze 40.2 (1971), 197-199 DOI:10.2307/43627735
ROHINI JAYATILAKA Hugh Magennis (ed.), The Old English Life of Saint Mary of Egypt: An Edition of the Old English Text with Modern English Parallel-Text Translation, Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies 72.2 (2003), 323-323 DOI:10.2307/43630513
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