N.F. Blake

N.F. Blake

The Manuscripts of the 'Canterbury Tales', Chaucer Studies, 17, by Charles A. Owen Jr., 131 MÆ 62.1 (1993), 130-131 DOI:10.2307/43629521
A Concordance to Caxton's Own Prose, by Kiyokazu Mizobata 137 MÆ 61.1 (1992), 136-137 DOI:10.2307/43632201
The ME Prose Translation of Roger d'Argenteuil's Bible en François. (Middle English Texts 6), by Phyllis Moe 353 MÆ 49.2 (1980), 352-353 DOI:10.2307/43628602
Van den Vos Reinaerde: Legal Elements in a Netherlands Epic of the Thirteenth Century, by F. R. Jacoby 71 MÆ 40.1 (1971), 70-71 DOI:10.2307/43627703
Studies in the language of Caxton's Malory and that of the Winchester Manuscript. Norwegian Studies in English 15, by Arthur O. Sandved 218 MÆ 38.2 (1969), 216-218 DOI:10.2307/43627553
Caxton's Aesop, by R. T. Lenaghan 350 MÆ 37.3 (1968), 348-350 DOI:10.2307/43627484
The Structure of Beowulf, by Kenneth Sisam 240 MÆ 35.3 (1966), 236-240 DOI:10.2307/43627288
Patterns in Old English and Old Icelandic Literature, by A. C. Bouman 87 MÆ 32.1 (1963), 86-87 DOI:10.2307/43627032