William of Ockham

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Desmond Paul Henry Ockham: Philosophical Writings, by Philotheus Boehner 27.1 (1958), 33-34 DOI:10.2307/43626715
Stephen Mossman Marilyn McCord Adams, Some Later Medieval Theories of the Eucharist: Thomas Aquinas, Giles of Rome, Duns Scotus, and William Ockham 83.1 (2014), 131- DOI:10.2307/43633060
L. Minio-Paluello Guillelmi de Ockham Opera Politica. Volumen III, by R. F. Bennett, H. S. Offler 27.3 (1958), 199-200 DOI:10.2307/43626756
M.B. Crowe L' école franciscaine de ses débuts jusqu' à l'occamisme. Analecta Mediævalia Namurcensia, 12 : Pour l'histoire de la théologie morale, by A.-M. Hamelin 32.3 (1963), 225-227 DOI:10.2307/43631187
J.G. Sikes Von Ockham zu Milton, by Karl Hammerle 6.3 (1937), 241-241 DOI:10.2307/43626064
Janet Coleman William of Ockham, the metamorphosis of scholastic discourse, by Gordon Leff 47.2 (1978), 327-330 DOI:10.2307/43631347
Brian Tierney The Political Thought of William of Ockham. Personal and Institutional Principles, by Arthur Stephen McGrade 44.3 (1975), 329-331 DOI:10.2307/43628161
C.K. Brampton OCKHAM, BONAGRATIA AND THE EMPEROR LEWIS IV 31.2 (1962), 81-87 DOI:10.2307/43626972
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