Bernard of Clairvaux

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David Luscombe Bernado di Chiaravalle: Grazia e Libero Arbitrio and Bernardo di Chiaravalle: Le Lettere contro Pietro Abelardo, Collana di 'Testi e Saggi', 1 and 3, by Albino Babolin, Domenico Pesce 40.1 (1971), 66-68 DOI:10.2307/43627701
M.B. Crowe Le Problème de la Conscience Morale chez S. Bernard étudié dans ses Oeuvres et dans ses Sources. (Analecta Mediævalia Namurcensia, 9), by Philippe Delhaye 28.2 (1959), 119-121 DOI:10.2307/43631142
L. PERTILE Dante and the Mystical Tradition: Bernard of Clairvaux in the 'Commedia', Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 42, by Steven Botterill 65.1 (1996), 153-154 DOI:10.2307/43629828
J.A. Scott The World of Dante: Six Studies in Language and Thought, by S. Bernard Chandler, J. A. Molinaro 37.2 (1968), 200-202 DOI:10.2307/43627440
D.J.A. MATTHEW The 'Things of Greater Importance': Bernard of Clairvaux's 'Apologia' and the Medieval Attitude toward Art, by C. Rudolph 61.2 (1992), 303-306 DOI:10.2307/43629438
Jeffrey Hamburger James France, Medieval Images of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux 77.2 (2008), 324-325 DOI:10.2307/43632348
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