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Leslie C. Brook

Jeun de Meun's Translation of the Letters of Abelard and Heloise

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JUANITA FEROS RUYS ‘Ut sexu sic animo’: the resolution of sex and gender in the Planctus of Abelard 75.1 (2006), 1-23 DOI:10.2307/43621024
Daniel A. Callus Commentarius Cantabrigiensis in Epistolas Pauli e Schola Petri Abaelardi : I. In Epistolam ad Romanos. (Publication in Mediaeval Studies, The University of Notre Dame), by A. Landgraf 9.1 (1940), 58-59 DOI:10.2307/43626180
David Luscombe Bernado di Chiaravalle: Grazia e Libero Arbitrio and Bernardo di Chiaravalle: Le Lettere contro Pietro Abelardo, Collana di 'Testi e Saggi', 1 and 3, by Albino Babolin, Domenico Pesce 40.1 (1971), 66-68 DOI:10.2307/43627701
David Luscombe Abelard and Heloise in Medieval Testimonies. The twenty-sixth W. P. Ker Memorial Lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 29th October, 1976, by Peter Dronke 47.1 (1978), 117-118 DOI:10.2307/43628330
E.A. Francis Jean de Meun : Traduction de la première épître de Pierre Abélard (Historia Calamitatum), by Charlotte Charrier 4.3 (1935), 231-236 DOI:10.2307/43625968
Leslie C. Brook Peter Abelard's Hymnarius Paraclitensis, vol. I, Introduction to Peter Abelard's Hymns: vol. II, The Hymnarius Paraclitensis, Text and Notes (Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies vols 2 and 3), Classical Folia editions, by Joseph Szövérffy 46.2 (1977), 294-296 DOI:10.2307/43628282
Michael Clanchy John Marenbon, Abelard in Four Dimensions: A Twelfth-Century Philosopher in his Context and Ours 83.2 (2014), 309-
David Luscombe Peter Abelard: A Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian. (Mediaeval Sources in Translation, 20), by Pierre J. Payer 50.2 (1981), 315-316 DOI:10.2307/43628621
Peter Abelard, Historia calamitatum, edited from Tours, Médiathèque du Grand Troyes, MS 802 by Alexander Andrée 85.1 (2016), 165- DOI:10.2307/26396490
Juanita Feros Ruys, The Repentent Abelard: Family, Gender, and Ethics in Peter Abelard’s Carmen ad Astralabium and Planctus 85.1 (2016), 165- DOI:10.2307/26396490


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