The Influence of Dante and Petrarch on certain of Boccaccio's lyrics, by Gordon Routledge Silber |
55 |
MÆ 10.1 (1941), 54-55 |
DOI:10.2307/43621144 |
Forgotten Danteiana : a bibliographical supplement. Northwestern University Studies in the Humanities No. 5, by J. G. Fucilla |
55 |
MÆ 10.1 (1941), 55-55 |
DOI:10.2307/43621145 |
Pour comprendre la Divine Comédie, by A. Masseron |
44 |
MÆ 9.1 (1940), 42-44 |
DOI:10.2307/43626175 |
The D.X.V. Prophecy. Dante and the Sabbatum Fidelium : An introductory study in the Allegorical Interpretation of the Divine Comedy, by Rose Nolan Ferrall |
80 |
MÆ 8.1 (1939), 79-80 |
DOI:10.2307/43626130 |
The DXV Problem and the Veltro : An Essay in Dante Interpretation, by J. H. Sacret |
80 |
MÆ 8.1 (1939), 79-80 |
DOI:10.2307/43626130 |
The Library of Pico della Mirandola, by Pearl Kibre |
230 |
MÆ 6.3 (1937), 229-230 |
DOI:10.2307/43626057 |
Glossary of Mediæval Terms of Business. Italian Series 1200-1600, by Florence Edler |
232 |
MÆ 6.3 (1937), 230-232 |
DOI:10.2307/43626058 |
L''Ovidius moralizatus' di Pierre Bersuire (Offprint from Studj Romanzi XXIII), by Fausto Ghisalberti |
200 |
MÆ 3.3 (1934), 198-200 |
DOI:10.2307/43625913 |
Giovanni del Virgilio espositore delle 'Metamorfosi' Offprint from Giornale dantesco XXXIV N. S. Annuario dantesco IV, by Fausto Ghisalberti |
200 |
MÆ 3.3 (1934), 198-200 |
DOI:10.2307/43625913 |
La Polemica sul Medio Evo (Biblioteca della Società storica Subalpina, CXLIII), by Giorgio Falco |
202 |
MÆ 3.3 (1934), 201-202 |
DOI:10.2307/43625914 |
Il Volgare del secolo XIV in Sicilia e i Benedettini siciliani chiamati da Urbano V a riformare l' abbazia di Montecassino Offprint from the Bullettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano e Archivio Muratoriano, n. 47, by Luigi Sorrento |
204 |
MÆ 3.3 (1934), 202-204 |
DOI:10.2307/43625915 |
The 'De Jerusalem Celesti' and the 'De Babilonia Infernali' of Fra Giacomino da Verona, by Esther Isopel May |
76 |
MÆ 1.1 (1932), 75-76 |
DOI:10.2307/43625815 |
An Old Italian Version of the Navigatio Sancti Brendani. (Publications of the Philological Society X), by E. G. R. Waters |
78 |
MÆ 1.1 (1932), 76-78 |
DOI:10.2307/43625816 |
The Transition from the late Latin Lyric to the medieval Love Poem, by Stephen Gaselee |
141 |
MÆ 1.2 (1932), 141-141 |
DOI:10.2307/43625825 |
Nuove indagini intorno all'inizio del Medio Evo. Miscellanea di storia lombarda in onore di Ettore Verga, by Giuseppe Gallavresi |
232 |
MÆ 1.3 (1932), 231-232 |
DOI:10.2307/43625840 |