Phyllis Abrahams

Phyllis Abrahams

THE MERCATOR-SCENES IN MEDIÆVAL FRENCH PASSION-PLAYS 123 MÆ 3.2 (1934), 112-123 DOI:10.2307/43625896
Das europäische Theater im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance, by Hans Heinrich Borcherdt 73 MÆ 7.1 (1938), 72-73 DOI:10.2307/43626077
Four Latin Plays of St. Nicholas from the twelfth century Fleury Play-book. Text and Commentary, with a study of the Music of the Plays, and of the Sources and Iconography of the Legends, by Otto E. Albrecht 219 MÆ 6.3 (1937), 216-219 DOI:10.2307/43626050