Andy Orchard, The Poetic Art of Aldhelm, Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England 8 131 MÆ 66.1 (1997), 130-131 DOI:10.2307/43629919
Books of Prayer and Healing, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Microfiche Facsimile 1, by A. N. Doane 313 MÆ 65.2 (1996), 312-313 DOI:10.2307/43629868
Psalters I, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Microfiche Facsimile 2, by Phillip Pulsiano 313 MÆ 65.2 (1996), 312-313 DOI:10.2307/43629868
Liturgy and the Ecclesiastical History of Late Anglo-Saxon England: Four Studies, Studies in Anglo-Saxon History 5, by David Dumville 321 MÆ 63.2 (1994), 320-321 DOI:10.2307/43629748
Visible Song: Transitional Literacy in Old English Verse, Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 4, by Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe 118 MÆ 61.1 (1992), 117-118 DOI:10.2307/43632184
Literacy and Power in Anglo-Saxon Literature, Regents Studies in Medieval Culture, by Seth Lerer 310 MÆ 61.2 (1992), 310-310 DOI:10.2307/43629443
Allegories of War: Language and Violence in Old English Poetry, by John P. Hermann 102 MÆ 60.1 (1991), 101-102 DOI:10.2307/43629387
Religion and Literature in Western England, 600—800, Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 3, by Patrick Sims-Williams 298 MÆ 60.2 (1991), 297-298 DOI:10.2307/43632577
Cambridge, Pembroke College MS 25: a Carolingian Sermonary used by Anglo-Saxon Preachers. King's College London Medieval Studies, 1, by James E. Cross 142 MÆ 58.1 (1989), 141-142 DOI:10.2307/43632524
Two Literary Riddles in the Exeter Book: Riddle I and the Easter Riddle, by James E. Anderson 299 MÆ 57.2 (1988), 298-299 DOI:10.2307/43629223